Posted: Sunday, 24 March 2024 @ 17:54
What are the costs of an inheritance dispute?
It really depends on what is the nature of the inheritance and the actual cost is influenced by a number of factors. We explore those factors in our Evaluation process which we complete in our all cases we take on. We should be able to place a value on the costs once we have done an initial assessment of your case. We do give more information on a series of matters possible legal costs(e.g removal of executor, inventory and account, probate within our Costs page) and also in our Guide To Resolving Inheritance Disputes.
What is your firm's approach to charging clients?
Our approach to cost is based on mutual trust and us seeking to provide a method of charging you which best suits your situation and has a emphasis on price certainty which includes:
- A fixed fee for all the work
- A fixed fee in stages
- A monthly retainer for a set period
- Time based invoicing (with an Estimate) if that is what you want
Our emphasis is on you (the client) retaining control of the process.
Do you fix prices for all the Court work you do?
Yes we do; we will either give you a fixed price at the outset for all the work which we do and for more complex work we give you an overall estimate and then fix the price in key stages such as the Pre-Court stage, the initial stages of the Court work and then the stages which lead to a final hearing. We provide a case study of how a fixed fee can work in practice. We embrace ways to bring your cases to an end by encouraging our clients to make open offers which maximises your chances of getting costs orders against your opponents and getting some or most of your legal costs back.
Do you offer deferred fees to your clients?
We do namely you can pay for your legal fees at the end of the matter. This typically applies if the Deceased had a property which can be sold at the end of the process. For more information, please click here.
Do you offer no win no fee arrangements?
We do. This typically applies to removal of Executor/removal of Trustees cases and also to contesting wills.
Are there other ways to fund my legal dispute?
It may be possible that your home insurance covers your legal dispute so you should check this. Certain companies provide litigation loans which can help. It may be possible to buy After the Event Legal Expenses insurance and some individuals can secure Trade Union funding and legal support. Legal Aid does not apply to inheritance disputes.