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The Dilemma of the Possibly Over Conscientious Solicitor

Posted: Monday, 6 November 2023 @ 15:59

Currently I have a friend of mine going through a divorce and she has said to me that both and her and husband's lawyers are asking questions of the other side which while may be legally correct are just unnecessarily increasing legal costs and dragging out time, meaning the divorcing couple cannot move on and each have an increased legal bill.

I do not know if my friend is right and wrong but as lawyers, most our clients do not have unlimited resources and accordingly we have to react sensibly and be proportionate in how we act and how we pursue our client's cases.

Generally there can be a danger that a lawyer can be lost in the woods and focused solely on the trees but not on the overall position. You can lose what I call a "helicopter view" of the case as you focus on the detail.

Currently I also have a longstanding probate litigation and we are heading for another hearing and we are having to be very disciplined with our activity and to select carefully what what work my firm does.

I am lucky that the client is very hard working and proactive and there is mutual trust as they know that I am focusing specifically and solely on what are the key areas to support their position. The fact that the client and I have such a good working relationship despite the case being stressful at times has really helped us to manage the situation.      

