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Accountants Move Into Probate Might Be Good For Innovative Lawyers

Posted: Friday, 4 January 2019 @ 13:43
According to the Law Society Gazette, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) is preparing 30 of its members to apply for practice rights to conduct reserved activities in the area of probate.

The Ministry of Justice last week rubber-stamped the ICAEW’s application for licensing powers in probate as well powers for it to license alternative business structures.

On the face of it this may seem bad for lawyers, but I do not necessarily think so. There is a significant sizeable market there and I would be seeking to link up with a accountancy firm(s) to see about prospects for mutual referral and working collaboratively.

Whilst my firm does probate there are a variety of complementary services to probate such as wills, powers of attorney, court of protection work. 