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McApline/Monbiot Mediation Skills Settlement

Posted: Friday, 4 January 2019 @ 13:43

An interesting piece today in the newspaper reveeals that the Guardian columnist, George Monbiot has reached a somewhat unusual settlement with Lord McAlpine further to false Twitter messages by Mr Monbiot which had accused the former Conservative chairman with an allegation of child sex abuse.

Let us deal with the settlement. This will involve Monbiot carrying out work amounting to £25,000 to three different charities with an emphasis on groups helping dispossessed or abused children. The settlement idea came from Lord McAlpine's lawyer, Andrew Reid.

The actual settlement is very interesting at a number of levels.

1. The only reason why such an offer is in play is because George Monbiot showed a far higher degree of humility than say Sally Bercow(the Speaker's wife) who also made tweets against Lord McAlpine. The conduct of the parties is integral for determining if a face saving settlement can be reached. Sally Bercow is now facing legal action which is of course her right to defend, but I do wonder if she would prefer to be doing a deal with Lord McAlpine. My advice to her would have been to show the level of contrition done by Monbiot. 

2. The lawyer, Andrew Reid and his client(McAlpine) have applied mediation skills, thinking outside the box for a solution which is positive and face saving for all sides. McAlpine has to be careful in such circumstances as there is a thin line between protecting ones position and acting for revenge. He is clearly well advised and knows when to draw the line.(e.g when to sue/ when not to). This deal done could not have been ordered by the Court.

Justin Patten


